Friday, December 08, 2006

Only five to go & we could use prayer 12-8-06

Dear friends, I only have a minute before getting ready to go to radiation. I am now having friends drive me every day as waves of fatigue hit, and I never know when they will happen. Jenni was home sick on Tuesday and ended up driving me, and friends have volunteered to do it with me every day until I am done next Thursday. I have finished my regular radiation and now have only 5 "boosts" to the exact area where the cancer was found. Ironically, I travel 40 minutes there, do one minute of radiation and come back home. I am pretty red under my arm now- like severe sunburn, just short of blistering. That is where these boosts are going, so I am hoping the burning doesn't get much worse. They said my skin will continue to burn for 2 weeks after I am done. Just keep on praying for me to get this done. I am very tired of going! Sister Mary Paula is planning my radiation graduation for next Wed. The sad news is hitting us on two fronts today. One is that a friend and pastor from our church died suddenly last night of a massive heart attack. His wife and I used to do kids missions together and he came to the hospital to visit with us before my surgery. We have been on the phone and he has encouraged me and so many hundreds of others over the years as the grief pastor. As you can imagine, his wife and 4 children need our prayers. His name was John Patterson. I am comforted to know that he is with Jesus right now. The other sad news is that we are still experiencing a large financial shortfall at Initiative360. I would appreciate your prayers for Greg who has such a huge burden on him right now as he leads the organization. God's will regarding the continuation or conclusion of our ministry is in the balance. We are resting in God's grace and desiring His will with our whole being. We don't feel we have presumed or made bad decisions regarding the merger, so we trust Him to do his perfect will. Please join us in praying for that. We have been at this for 27 years, and this seems like one of the biggest crossroads I remember. Thank you for standing with us before the throne of God! God bless you! Nancy

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