Some Pictures...
1) This is a picture of me with Sister Marie Paula who is the nun who does hospitality in the radiation waiting room on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. When someone finishes, she does a little graduation ceremony with them. Here I am with her in my graduation robe.
2) This is a picture of me with Janet Lencioni who has gone with me for cancer treatment stuff 4 times. She has been one of the many friends who have ministered to me in that way. She got to watch the radiation treatment being done and ask questions about it. What a blessing my friends have been. Several are bringing dinners now on these tired recovery days. Thanks Jenni, Christa, Cindy, Candy, Greg and Lisa for driving me these last 8 times!
3) Here are Jenni and her best friend Lauren in their madrigal costumes at the school Madrigal Feast dinner theater. They got to wear the special dresses because of being in the Gold Tones special vocal group. It was a fantastic evening!
4) This is me with one of my new friends, Carol, who I met at radiation. She gave me her email today so we can stay in touch. She is half done with hers and is a widow. I'd appreciate your prayers for her and her family. I feel like God brought us together for a reason. By the way, my hair is about an inch long. It covers my head but doesn't have any 3 dimentionality to it yet. In the radiation waiting room lots of us don't have much hair, so it is nice to be one of the bunch!
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